These exercises are taken from the Complete Fretboard Course.
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Learning the Fretboard

Notes on the D String

In these exercises we work on the D string.

Notes on the D String

So let's go through the positions of the notes on the D string. When you hear the voice say the note, for example, "D-G", play G on the D string. And so on.

Backwards Scale D String

Often we can know a scale "forwards" - A,B,C,D,E,F,G - but have difficulty with it "backwards" - G,F,E,D,C,B,A - and so cannot readily visualize the note positions when we hear a descending scale. This exercise helps with that problem.

D Upper Notes

Here we work on the notes between frets 5 and 12 on the D string. These are often the most difficult to remember, because they are not used as often as other parts of the fretboard.

D Lower Notes

Here we work on the notes between frets 0 (the nut) and 5 on the D string. Being in the middle of the fretboard, I suspect the D string doesn't get as much attention as some of the other strings.

These exercises are taken from the Complete Fretboard Course.
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