Learning the Fretboard
These exercises are taken from the PraxTrax.org Complete Fretboard Course.
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Learning the Fretboard
Focus on the Lower Notes on the A String
The notes from A-open to A5 are probably the ones you will use the most..
Upper Notes on the A String
The upper part of the fretboard - A-6 to A12 and beyond - is very important - especially to bass guitar players. But it is probably less familiar and will take more focused practice as you continue to learn the guitar.
A Scale Exercise
Here's another Scale Exercise played from a traditional musical score. When you see a C on the staff, for instance, you know to play A3, and so on. These exercises will also familiarize you with the mysterious art of reading traditional music - something guitarists often never learn.
These exercises are taken from the PraxTrax.org Complete Fretboard Course.
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