Lesson 10

New Chords - E Major (E), E minor (Em), A minor (Am)

A Minor (Am) and E Major (E) Chords

Here are two new chords which are fingered in a very similar way. In fact, if you look carefully at the chord diagrams you can see that they are fingered in exactly the same way, except E is moved over 1 string (towards the bass strings).

It also happens that these two chords are often used together. You can see this in the song "Havana" below.

E minor (Em)

And, as you can see further down, when playing a song like "One in the Spirit" A minor is played along with E minor. These chords are often found together.

As you can see from the diagrams, E Major is turned into E minor by "flattening the 3rd". In other words, there is only one small difference beween these chords. For a more detailed explanation see this page.

Songs and Exercises using these Chords

See this exercise on its own page.

See this exercise on its own page.

See this exercise on its own page.

See this exercise on its own page.

Some songs using the Am-E chords...


House of the Rising Sun

One in the Spirit

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